What are the biggest fields in Ph.D. education?

Scholars at AARC are working hard on a project aimed at quantifying the dizzying growth of Ph.D. education in the US over the past 25 years (more on that project in a few months). As we looked at the number of Ph.D. graduates and the number of programs over time, we realized that growth in those areas probably means growth in another metric- the number of faculty members mentoring those students and teaching in those programs. The table below shows […]

By |2021-08-19T22:44:00+00:00January 29, 2021|News, Research, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What are the biggest fields in Ph.D. education?

Are some academic fields “older” than others?

AARC scholars have a manuscript in review about the graying of the American professoriate (see the preprint here: 10.31235/osf.io/vznty). As we explored the publication patterns of early career, middle career, and senior scholars, a basic question emerged that we didn’t include in our original study: are some academic fields home to “older” faculty than others, on average? The table below shows the 10 “oldest” fields in the Academic Analytics database (version AAD2019-1470); we infer age from the year each scholar […]

By |2021-08-19T22:44:35+00:00January 21, 2021|News, Research, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are some academic fields “older” than others?
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